07 - 09 September 2025


SIMS Europe on tour


After eleven successful conferences in Muenster, Germany, SIMS Europe was held for the first time at the University of Nottingham in the UK. The workshop was initiated in 1998 by Alfred Benninghoven from the University of Muenster with the idea of holding a scientific meeting on SIMS in a very compact and cost-effective format. This was intended to enable young researchers and students in particular to participate. While the first seven conferences were chaired by Benninghoven himself, Heinrich Arlinghaus, Uwe Karst and the local SIMS team later organised the conferences.


In 2020, the meeting had to be cancelled due to the Corona pandemic, and in 2022, the conference had to be postponed to 2023 due to the rescheduling of the international SIMS conference. The local organising committee discussed the future of the conference with the University of Münster, but the university was not able to provide the infrastructure and staff at that time. Therefore, the local organising committee was very happy that David Scurr from the University of Nottingham agreed at short notice to host the workshop in 2023 and to continue the very successful conference series.

During the well-organised conference in Nottingham, it was decided to hold the next meeting from September 7 to 9, 2025 at the University of Giessen. The workshop will be organised by Anja Henss, Marcus Rohnke and Michael Dürr. It was also decided to use the time until the next meeting to set up a scientific steering committee for SIMS Europe and to enable other European SIMS groups to host future meetings. Arnaud Delcorte will take care of this process. As soon as we have more detailed information on this topic, we will publish it here on the SIMS Europe website.


We are very happy to have found a way to continue the successful conference series and look forward to seeing you in Giessen in 2025.


Your SIMS Europe Team

Dates & Deadlines

Abstract Submission

03 March - 02 May 2025


 Notification of Accpetance

27 June 2025

SIMS School

07 September 2025


Scientific Program

08 - 09 September 2025