The Advisory Board (AB) consists of the Chair, the Secretary, 4 scientific members from different areas of SIMS application and 4 representatives of the various SIMS instrument manufacturers.
The Chair of the Advisory Board is appointed by the members of the Advisory Board for a period of up to 4 years.
The Secretary of the "AB" is appointed by the Chair in consultation with the members of the "AB". The term of office of the Secretary of the "AB" is up to 4 years.
The duties of the Chair and the Secretary are to organize the meetings of the "AB" and the presentations of the conference offers, to organize the election of new member of the “AB”, to keep records of the activities of the "AB" and to organize the votes of the "AB" in matters concerning the SIMS conference.
The term of office of the 6 scientific members of the "AB" is also up to 4 years. Additional scientific member positions can be created after a unanimous vote of the “AB”.
The term of office of the 4 representatives of the various SIMS instrument manufacturers is not limited. The representatives will be appointed by the individual companies and can be replaced at any time by the companies.
Process for electing the scientific members of the “AB”: