Conference Chair (CC)

The Conference Chair (CC) has full executive responsibility for the success and budget of the conference. He/she will set up a Local Organising Committee (LOC) and a Scientific Committee (SC). The “CC” will be the Chair of both “LOC” and “SC”. 

Local Organizing Committee(LOC)

The “LOC” is the executive arm of the “CC”. The “LOC” is responsible for the organization of the conference.

Scientific Committee (SC)

The members of the Scientific Committee (SC) shall come from different SIMS areas and are representative of the different European countries. The “LOC” can add and remove members from the “SC” before the conference. The list of the actual “SC” will always be published on the SIMS Europe webpage. The task of the “SC” is to support the “LOC” in the selection of invited speakers. A balance between scientific topics and geographical distribution should be taken into account. It is desirable that invited speakers are not invited again to the next conference unless there is a valid scientific reason. To provide new perspectives and fresh ideas, the invitation of speakers from research fields outside the SIMS field should be considered. In addition, the "LOC" can always ask members of the "SC" for support in reviewing the submitted papers or in arranging the conference program.



Dates & Deadlines

Abstract Submission

03 March - 02 May 2025


 Notification of Accpetance

27 June 2025

SIMS School

07 September 2025


Scientific Program

08 - 09 September 2025